Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad URL: http://bamua.digitaluniversity.ac Result Ledger For Faculty : Faculty of Science and Technology Course : M.Sc. Physics (With Credit) Course Code : P-MSC-(PHY)-2018-[R] Mode of Learning : Regular Pattern : WEF 2021-22 Branch : No Branch Course Part : M.Sc. Physics Second Year Course Part Term : Fourth Semester Event : Apr/May-2023 Paper Level Details:- Code | Paper Name |Credits| Grade Template Name | AM | UA | CA | Total | |Max |Min|Max|Min|Max|Min| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHYR-431 |Research Project Part III ( | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PW |50 |0 |-- |-- |50 |0 | Dissertation and Presentation) |Research Project Part III ( | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 | Dissertation and Presentation) PHYE-411 |A4 Advanced Sensor Technology | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | |A4 Advanced Sensor Technology | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | |A4 Advanced Sensor Technology | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | PHYL-421 |Lab Course 7 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |50 |20 |-- |-- |50 |0 | A4) |B4 Applied Spectroscopy | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | |B4 Applied Spectroscopy | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | |B4 Applied Spectroscopy | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | PHYL-421 |Lab Course 7 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |50 |0 |-- |-- |50 |0 | B4) |Lab Course 7 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 | B4) PHYE-411 |C4 Particle Physics, Nuclear | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | Forces and Cosmic Rays |C4 Particle Physics, Nuclear | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | Forces and Cosmic Rays |C4 Particle Physics, Nuclear | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | Forces and Cosmic Rays PHYL-421 |Lab Course 7 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |50 |0 |-- |-- |50 |0 | C4) |Lab Course 7 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 | C4) PHYE-411 |D4 Magnetic Materials and Super | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | Fludity |D4 Magnetic Materials and Super | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | Fludity |D4 Magnetic Materials and Super | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | Fludity PHYL-421 |Lab Course 7 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |50 |0 |-- |-- |50 |0 | D4) |Lab Course 7 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 | D4) PHYL-422 |Lab Course 8 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |50 |0 |-- |-- |50 |0 | A5) |Lab Course 8 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 | A5) PHYE-412 |A5 8051 - Microcontroller | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | |A5 8051 - Microcontroller | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | |A5 8051 - Microcontroller | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | PHYL-422 |Lab Course 8 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |50 |0 |-- |-- |50 |0 | B5) 15/9/2023 Page No.1 |Lab Course 8 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 | B5) PHYE-412 |B5 Lasers Nonlinear Optical mixing | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | and Spectroscopic Phenome |B5 Lasers Nonlinear Optical mixing | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | and Spectroscopic Phenome |B5 Lasers Nonlinear Optical mixing | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | and Spectroscopic Phenome PHYL-422 |Lab Course 8 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |50 |0 |-- |-- |50 |0 | C5) |Lab Course 8 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 | C5) PHYE-412 |C5 Radiation Measurements And | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | Nuclear Dosimetry |C5 Radiation Measurements And | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | Nuclear Dosimetry |C5 Radiation Measurements And | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | Nuclear Dosimetry PHYL-422 |Lab Course 8 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |50 |0 |-- |-- |50 |0 | D5) |Lab Course 8 (Practical Based on | 2.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 | D5) PHYE-412 |D5 Material Synthesis And | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | Characterization |D5 Material Synthesis And | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | Characterization |D5 Material Synthesis And | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | Characterization PHYE-413 |A6 Fundamentals of Sensor | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | |A6 Fundamentals of Sensor | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | |A6 Fundamentals of Sensor | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | |B6 The Physics of Dielectrics | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | |B6 The Physics of Dielectrics | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | |B6 The Physics of Dielectrics | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | |C6 Nuclear Fission, Fusion and | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | Neutron Phyiscs |C6 Nuclear Fission, Fusion and | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | Neutron Phyiscs |C6 Nuclear Fission, Fusion and | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | Neutron Phyiscs |D6 Renewable Energy | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | |D6 Renewable Energy | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | |D6 Renewable Energy | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | |E6 Soil Physics | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | |E6 Soil Physics | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | |E6 Soil Physics | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | |F6 Advance Communication | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | Electronics |F6 Advance Communication | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | Electronics |F6 Advance Communication | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | Electronics |G6 Accelerator Phyiscs | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | |G6 Accelerator Phyiscs | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | |G6 Accelerator Phyiscs | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | |H6 X - Ray Spectroscopy | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | TH |80 |0 |-- |-- |80 |0 | |H6 X - Ray Spectroscopy | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale | IA |-- |-- |20 |0 |20 |0 | |H6 X - Ray Spectroscopy | 4.00 | 10 Point Grade Scale |TH+IA |-- |-- |-- |-- |100|40 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade Template Used: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Template Name : University-2011 Grade Scale : 10 Point Grade Scale No. Of Intervals : 10 15/9/2023 Page No.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sr. No.| Grade Abbreviation | From (Marks) | To (Marks) | Status | GradePoint | Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | O | 90 | 100 | Pass | 10.00 | Outstanding 2 | A++ | 80 | 89.99 | Pass | 8.99 | Excellent 3 | A+ | 70 | 79.99 | Pass | 7.99 | Exceptional 4 | A | 60 | 69.99 | Pass | 6.99 | Very Good 5 | B+ | 55 | 59.99 | Pass | 5.99 | Good 6 | B | 50 | 54.99 | Pass | 5.49 | Fair 7 | C+ | 45 | 49.99 | Pass | 4.99 | Average 8 | C | 40.01 | 44.99 | Pass | 4.49 | Below Average 9 | D | 40 | 40 | Pass | 4.00 | Pass 10 | F | 0 | 39.99 | Fail | 0.00 | Fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPA TEMPLATE: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Template Name : University-2011 Grade Scale : 10 Point Grade Scale No. Of Intervals : 10 Sr. No.| Grade Abbreviation | From (GPA) | To (GPA) | Status | Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | O | 9 | 10 | Pass | Outstanding 2 | A++ | 8 | 8.99 | Pass | Excellent 3 | A+ | 7 | 7.99 | Pass | Exceptional 4 | A | 6 | 6.99 | Pass | Very Good 5 | B+ | 5.5 | 5.99 | Pass | Good 6 | B | 5 | 5.49 | Pass | Fair 7 | C+ | 4.5 | 4.99 | Pass | Average 8 | C | 4.01 | 4.49 | Pass | Below Average 9 | D | 4 | 4 | Pass | Pass 10 | F | 0 | 3.99 | Fail | Fail -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abbreviations Used: CA : College Assessment UA : University Assessment AL : Annual Lesson CT : Class Test DT : Dissertation EX : External FW : Field Work IA : Internal Assessment ME : MSE-II MS : MSE-I O : Oral OT : PR/OR/TW PO : PR/OR PR : Practical PT : Presentation PW : Project Work RP : Research Project Review Writing RW : Report Writing SW : Sessional Work TA : Teachers Assessment TH : Theory TW : Term Work VV : Viva-Voce Cr : Credit AM : Assessment Method 15/9/2023 Page No.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.4 M.Sc. Physics(with credits) - Regular - WEF 2021-22(No Branch)- M.Sc. Physics Second Year - Fourth Semester HELD IN APR/MAY-2023 Kohinoor Arts, Commerce and Science College,Khultabad, Khultabad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UA | CA | Tot | | | UA | CA | Tot | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401061 PRN: 2019015201083901 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711046 College Code: 169 1 Name: DARADE SANKET VALMIK (M/N :GITANJALI) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |43 |-- |-- |50 |-- |43 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |43 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |53 |-- |-- |80 |-- |53 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |14 |20 |-- |14 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |67 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |42 |-- |-- |80 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |19 |20 |-- |19 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |61 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |48 |-- |-- |80 |-- |48 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |63 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 137.82 | SGPA: 7.66 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301104 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 191.71| SGPA: 6.61 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201188 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: -- | EGP: -- | SGPA: -- | Status: FAIL ATKT| Grade: -- First Semester (Seat No: GFA101013 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 157.78| SGPA: 6.57 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: -- |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: -- | Total Earned Grade Points: -- |GPA/SGPA: -- |Status: FAIL |CGPA: -- |Final Grade: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401062 PRN: 2014015200545206 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711047 College Code: 169 2 Name: DHIVARE DIKSHA KARBHARI (M/N :TARABAI) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |47 |-- |-- |80 |-- |47 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |62 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |37 |-- |-- |50 |-- |37 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |37 |A+ | 7.99|15.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |35 |-- |-- |80 |-- |35 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |18 |20 |-- |18 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |53 |B | 5.49|21.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |50 |-- |-- |80 |-- |50 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |66 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 129.82 | SGPA: 7.21 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301037 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 201.71| SGPA: 6.96 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201189 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 143.78| SGPA: 6.54 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101038 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 159.82| SGPA: 6.66 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 68.3 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 635.13 |GPA/SGPA: 6.83 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.83 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.5 M.Sc. Physics(with credits) - Regular - WEF 2021-22(No Branch)- M.Sc. Physics Second Year - Fourth Semester HELD IN APR/MAY-2023 Kohinoor Arts, Commerce and Science College,Khultabad, Khultabad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UA | CA | Tot | | | UA | CA | Tot | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401063 PRN: 2021015200561883 ELIG: E Statement No: 14710970 College Code: 169 3 Name: DHUMAL SHIVAJI VISHNU (M/N :CHANDRAKALA) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |38 |-- |-- |80 |-- |38 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |54 |B | 5.49|21.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |39 |-- |-- |50 |-- |39 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |39 |A+ | 7.99|15.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |30 |-- |-- |80 |-- |30 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |47 |C+ | 4.99|19.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |32 |-- |-- |80 |-- |32 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |14 |20 |-- |14 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |46 |C+ | 4.99|19.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 113.82 | SGPA: 6.32 | Status: PASS | Grade: A | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301038 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 178.71| SGPA: 6.16 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201208 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: -- | EGP: -- | SGPA: -- | Status: FAIL ATKT| Grade: -- First Semester (Seat No: GFA101040 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 165.78| SGPA: 6.91 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: -- |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: -- | Total Earned Grade Points: -- |GPA/SGPA: -- |Status: FAIL |CGPA: -- |Final Grade: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401064 PRN: 2017015200738034 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711048 College Code: 169 4 Name: GANJAVE BHAGAVAT SHRIRAM (M/N :RADHA) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |45 |-- |-- |80 |-- |45 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |14 |20 |-- |14 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |59 |B+ | 5.99|23.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |33 |-- |-- |80 |-- |33 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |19 |20 |-- |19 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |52 |B | 5.49|21.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |50 |-- |-- |80 |-- |50 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |65 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 127.82 | SGPA: 7.10 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301039 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 183.71| SGPA: 6.33 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201190 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 123.82| SGPA: 5.63 | Status: PASS | Grade: B+ First Semester (Seat No: GFA101042 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 152.76| SGPA: 6.37 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 63.2 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 588.11 |GPA/SGPA: 6.32 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.32 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.6 M.Sc. Physics(with credits) - Regular - WEF 2021-22(No Branch)- M.Sc. Physics Second Year - Fourth Semester HELD IN APR/MAY-2023 Kohinoor Arts, Commerce and Science College,Khultabad, Khultabad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UA | CA | Tot | | | UA | CA | Tot | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401065 PRN: 2016015200777166 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711049 College Code: 169 5 Name: JAGARWAL BHARAT MAHASING (M/N :GANGA) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |50 |-- |-- |80 |-- |50 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |65 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |38 |-- |-- |80 |-- |38 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |18 |20 |-- |18 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |56 |B+ | 5.99|23.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |50 |-- |-- |80 |-- |50 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |66 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 133.82 | SGPA: 7.43 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301040 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 187.71| SGPA: 6.47 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201020 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 147.78| SGPA: 6.72 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101038 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 149.80| SGPA: 6.24 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 66.6 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 619.11 |GPA/SGPA: 6.66 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.66 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401066 PRN: 2017015201125352 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711050 College Code: 169 6 Name: KHALATKAR PRABHAKAR SHIVAJI (M/N :LAXMIBAI) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |54 |-- |-- |80 |-- |54 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |70 |A+ | 7.99|31.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |36 |-- |-- |50 |-- |36 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |36 |A+ | 7.99|15.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |46 |-- |-- |80 |-- |46 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |63 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |50 |-- |-- |80 |-- |50 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |14 |20 |-- |14 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |64 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 139.82 | SGPA: 7.77 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301110 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 175.71| SGPA: 6.06 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201021 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 153.78| SGPA: 6.99 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101045 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 173.82| SGPA: 7.24 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 69.2 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 643.13 |GPA/SGPA: 6.92 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.92 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.7 M.Sc. Physics(with credits) - Regular - WEF 2021-22(No Branch)- M.Sc. Physics Second Year - Fourth Semester HELD IN APR/MAY-2023 Kohinoor Arts, Commerce and Science College,Khultabad, Khultabad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UA | CA | Tot | | | UA | CA | Tot | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401067 PRN: 2021015200561844 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711051 College Code: 169 7 Name: KHANZODE VIVEK VISHWANATH (M/N :MEENA) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |46 |-- |-- |80 |-- |46 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |61 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |38 |-- |-- |50 |-- |38 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |38 |A+ | 7.99|15.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |38 |-- |-- |80 |-- |38 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |19 |20 |-- |19 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |57 |B+ | 5.99|23.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |52 |-- |-- |80 |-- |52 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |67 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 131.82 | SGPA: 7.32 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301111 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 181.71| SGPA: 6.27 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201022 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 141.82| SGPA: 6.45 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101046 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 171.76| SGPA: 7.16 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 67.4 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 627.11 |GPA/SGPA: 6.74 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.74 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401068 PRN: 2018015200824172 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711052 College Code: 169 8 Name: KHODE BALIRAM MAROTI (M/N :SAGAR) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |49 |-- |-- |80 |-- |49 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |65 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |39 |-- |-- |50 |-- |39 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |39 |A+ | 7.99|15.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |34 |-- |-- |80 |-- |34 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |18 |20 |-- |18 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |52 |B | 5.49|21.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |52 |-- |-- |80 |-- |52 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |68 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 129.82 | SGPA: 7.21 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301041 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 204.71| SGPA: 7.06 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201023 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 151.78| SGPA: 6.90 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101047 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 179.82| SGPA: 7.49 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 71.6 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 666.13 |GPA/SGPA: 7.16 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 7.16 |Final Grade: A+(Exceptional) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.8 M.Sc. Physics(with credits) - Regular - WEF 2021-22(No Branch)- M.Sc. Physics Second Year - Fourth Semester HELD IN APR/MAY-2023 Kohinoor Arts, Commerce and Science College,Khultabad, Khultabad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UA | CA | Tot | | | UA | CA | Tot | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401069 PRN: 2018015200198452 ELIG: E Statement No: 14710971 College Code: 169 9 Name: KHOSARE PRATHAMESH MACHINDRA (M/N :TRISHALA) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |40 |-- |-- |80 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |14 |20 |-- |14 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |54 |B | 5.49|21.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |39 |-- |-- |50 |-- |39 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |39 |A+ | 7.99|15.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |28 |-- |-- |80 |-- |28 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |45 |C+ | 4.99|19.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |26 |-- |-- |80 |-- |26 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |14 |20 |-- |14 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |40 |D | 4.00|16.00| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 109.86 | SGPA: 6.10 | Status: PASS | Grade: A | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301042 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 175.75| SGPA: 6.06 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201024 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 133.78| SGPA: 6.08 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101039 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 153.78| SGPA: 6.41 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 61.6 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 573.17 |GPA/SGPA: 6.16 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.16 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401070 PRN: 2021015200561852 ELIG: E Statement No: 14710972 College Code: 169 10 Name: MAGAR ASHISH DATTARAO (M/N :KAMAL) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |44 |-- |-- |80 |-- |44 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |60 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |21 |-- |-- |80 |-- |21 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |19 |20 |-- |19 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |40 |D | 4.00|16.00| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |49 |-- |-- |80 |-- |49 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |65 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 125.86 | SGPA: 6.99 | Status: PASS | Grade: A | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301043 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 176.71| SGPA: 6.09 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201025 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 135.78| SGPA: 6.17 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101049 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 163.76| SGPA: 6.82 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 64.7 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 602.11 |GPA/SGPA: 6.47 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.47 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.9 M.Sc. Physics(with credits) - Regular - WEF 2021-22(No Branch)- M.Sc. Physics Second Year - Fourth Semester HELD IN APR/MAY-2023 Kohinoor Arts, Commerce and Science College,Khultabad, Khultabad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UA | CA | Tot | | | UA | CA | Tot | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401071 PRN: 2021015200561875 ELIG: E Statement No: 14710973 College Code: 169 11 Name: MALI JITENDRA ABA (M/N :LATABAI) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |44 |-- |-- |80 |-- |44 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |14 |20 |-- |14 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |58 |B+ | 5.99|23.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |40 |-- |-- |80 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |18 |20 |-- |18 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |58 |B+ | 5.99|23.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |40 |-- |-- |80 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |55 |B+ | 5.99|23.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 125.82 | SGPA: 6.99 | Status: PASS | Grade: A | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301044 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 211.71| SGPA: 7.30 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201089 Exam Event: Apr/May-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 133.78| SGPA: 6.08 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101050 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 173.82| SGPA: 7.24 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 69.4 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 645.13 |GPA/SGPA: 6.94 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.94 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401072 PRN: 2021015200578154 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711053 College Code: 169 12 Name: MHASKE PRITI BABASAHEB (M/N :SUMAN) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |43 |-- |-- |50 |-- |43 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |43 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |40 |-- |-- |80 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |55 |B+ | 5.99|23.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |65 |-- |-- |80 |-- |65 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |82 |A++| 8.99|35.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |47 |-- |-- |80 |-- |47 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |14 |20 |-- |14 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |61 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 141.82 | SGPA: 7.88 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301116 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 197.71| SGPA: 6.82 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201026 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 143.78| SGPA: 6.54 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101051 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 159.76| SGPA: 6.66 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 69.1 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 643.07 |GPA/SGPA: 6.91 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.91 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.10 M.Sc. Physics(with credits) - Regular - WEF 2021-22(No Branch)- M.Sc. Physics Second Year - Fourth Semester HELD IN APR/MAY-2023 Kohinoor Arts, Commerce and Science College,Khultabad, Khultabad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UA | CA | Tot | | | UA | CA | Tot | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401073 PRN: 2015015200051446 ELIG: E Statement No: 14710974 College Code: 169 13 Name: MOHAMMED KHIZAR MUSTAFA MOHD SHAKEEL (M/N :SHAIBA) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |36 |-- |-- |80 |-- |36 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |52 |B | 5.49|21.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |34 |-- |-- |80 |-- |34 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |19 |20 |-- |19 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |53 |B | 5.49|21.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |37 |-- |-- |80 |-- |37 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |52 |B | 5.49|21.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 119.82 | SGPA: 6.66 | Status: PASS | Grade: A | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301117 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: -- | EGP: -- | SGPA: -- | Status: FAIL ATKT| Grade: -- Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201027 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: -- | EGP: -- | SGPA: -- | Status: FAIL ATKT| Grade: -- First Semester (Seat No: GFA101052 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 145.78| SGPA: 6.07 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: -- |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: -- | Total Earned Grade Points: -- |GPA/SGPA: -- |Status: FAIL |CGPA: -- |Final Grade: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401074 PRN: 2017015200721434 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711054 College Code: 169 14 Name: PHAD PAVAN KADUBA (M/N :RANJANABAI) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |43 |-- |-- |50 |-- |43 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |43 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |51 |-- |-- |80 |-- |51 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |66 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |58 |-- |-- |80 |-- |58 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |18 |20 |-- |18 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |76 |A+ | 7.99|31.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |50 |-- |-- |80 |-- |50 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |14 |20 |-- |14 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |64 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 141.82 | SGPA: 7.88 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301119 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 189.71| SGPA: 6.54 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201029 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 133.78| SGPA: 6.08 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101054 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 168.76| SGPA: 7.03 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 68.2 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 634.07 |GPA/SGPA: 6.82 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.82 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.11 M.Sc. Physics(with credits) - Regular - WEF 2021-22(No Branch)- M.Sc. Physics Second Year - Fourth Semester HELD IN APR/MAY-2023 Kohinoor Arts, Commerce and Science College,Khultabad, Khultabad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UA | CA | Tot | | | UA | CA | Tot | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401075 PRN: 2009015200278105 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711055 College Code: 169 15 Name: SALVE REETA PRALHAD (M/N :MANDAKINI) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |40 |-- |-- |80 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |57 |B+ | 5.99|23.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |50 |-- |-- |80 |-- |50 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |67 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |48 |-- |-- |80 |-- |48 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |64 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 133.82 | SGPA: 7.43 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301120 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 177.71| SGPA: 6.13 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201030 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 149.78| SGPA: 6.81 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101052 Exam Event: Apr/May-2022) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 153.76| SGPA: 6.41 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 66.1 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 615.07 |GPA/SGPA: 6.61 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.61 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401076 PRN: 2019015201079466 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711056 College Code: 169 16 Name: SARFARAZ NAWAZ KHAN SARNAWAZ KHAN (M/N :RUKHSANA BEGUM) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |46 |-- |-- |80 |-- |46 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |61 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |39 |-- |-- |50 |-- |39 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |39 |A+ | 7.99|15.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |66 |-- |-- |80 |-- |66 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |19 |20 |-- |19 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |85 |A++| 8.99|35.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |51 |-- |-- |80 |-- |51 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |15 |20 |-- |15 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |66 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 143.82 | SGPA: 7.99 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301121 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 191.71| SGPA: 6.61 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201031 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 149.78| SGPA: 6.81 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101075 Exam Event: Apr/May-2022) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 151.78| SGPA: 6.32 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 68.5 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 637.09 |GPA/SGPA: 6.85 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.85 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.12 M.Sc. Physics(with credits) - Regular - WEF 2021-22(No Branch)- M.Sc. Physics Second Year - Fourth Semester HELD IN APR/MAY-2023 Kohinoor Arts, Commerce and Science College,Khultabad, Khultabad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UA | CA | Tot | | | UA | CA | Tot | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401077 PRN: 2017015201129694 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711057 College Code: 169 17 Name: SAYED WASEEM SAYED IBRAHIM (M/N :SAYEDA MUMTAZ) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |44 |-- |-- |80 |-- |44 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |60 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |48 |-- |-- |80 |-- |48 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |18 |20 |-- |18 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |66 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |50 |-- |-- |80 |-- |50 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |14 |20 |-- |14 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |64 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 137.82 | SGPA: 7.66 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301122 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 192.75| SGPA: 6.65 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201096 Exam Event: Apr/May-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 145.82| SGPA: 6.63 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101057 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 183.78| SGPA: 7.66 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 71 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 660.17 |GPA/SGPA: 7.10 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 7.10 |Final Grade: A+(Exceptional) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401078 PRN: 2017015200832731 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711186 College Code: 169 18 Name: SHAIKH JAVERIYA ANJUM SHAIKH MUKTAR AHMED (M/N :PARVEEN SHAIKH) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |AB |-- |-- |50 |-- |AB |-- | --| --|AB | N,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |AB |F | 0.00| AB|AB | N,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |AB |-- |-- |80 |-- |AB |-- | --| --|AB | N,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |14 |20 |-- |14 |-- | --| --| P | N,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |14 |F | 0.00| 0.00| F | N,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |AB |-- |-- |50 |-- |AB |-- | --| --|AB | N,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |AB |F | 0.00| AB|AB | N,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |AB |-- |-- |50 |-- |AB |-- | --| --|AB | N,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |AB |F | 0.00| AB|AB | N,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |AB |-- |-- |80 |-- |AB |-- | --| --|AB | N,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | N,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |17 |F | 0.00| 0.00| F | N,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |AB |-- |-- |80 |-- |AB |-- | --| --|AB | N,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | N,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |16 |F | 0.00| 0.00| F | N,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: -- | EGP: -- | SGPA: -- | Status: FAIL | Grade: -- | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301123 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 191.71| SGPA: 6.61 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201032 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 137.78| SGPA: 6.26 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101013 Exam Event: Apr/May-2022) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 154.78| SGPA: 6.45 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: -- |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: -- | Total Earned Grade Points: -- |GPA/SGPA: -- |Status: FAIL |CGPA: -- |Final Grade: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.13 M.Sc. Physics(with credits) - Regular - WEF 2021-22(No Branch)- M.Sc. Physics Second Year - Fourth Semester HELD IN APR/MAY-2023 Kohinoor Arts, Commerce and Science College,Khultabad, Khultabad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UA | CA | Tot | | | UA | CA | Tot | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401079 PRN: 2019015201087744 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711058 College Code: 169 19 Name: SHAIKH WAQUAR KAMRAN ABDUL KAYYUM (M/N :QUAMAR KHANAM) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |46 |-- |-- |50 |-- |46 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |46 |O |10.00|20.00| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |39 |-- |-- |80 |-- |39 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |56 |B+ | 5.99|23.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |44 |-- |-- |50 |-- |44 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |44 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |45 |-- |-- |50 |-- |45 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |45 |O |10.00|20.00| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |44 |-- |-- |80 |-- |44 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |19 |20 |-- |19 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |63 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |43 |-- |-- |80 |-- |43 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |60 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 137.86 | SGPA: 7.66 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301045 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 193.75| SGPA: 6.68 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201098 Exam Event: Apr/May-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 159.80| SGPA: 7.26 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ First Semester (Seat No: GFA101059 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2021) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 189.82| SGPA: 7.91 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 73.3 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 681.23 |GPA/SGPA: 7.33 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 7.33 |Final Grade: A+(Exceptional) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401080 PRN: 2021015200561867 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711059 College Code: 169 20 Name: SHIMPI BHATU NARAYAN (M/N :ARUNA) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |43 |-- |-- |50 |-- |43 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |43 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |38 |-- |-- |80 |-- |38 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |54 |B | 5.49|21.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |42 |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |42 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |46 |-- |-- |80 |-- |46 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |18 |20 |-- |18 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |64 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |42 |-- |-- |80 |-- |42 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |16 |20 |-- |16 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |58 |B+ | 5.99|23.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 127.82 | SGPA: 7.10 | Status: PASS | Grade: A+ | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301046 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 184.75| SGPA: 6.37 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201099 Exam Event: Apr/May-2022) Total Credit: 22.00| EGP: 143.78| SGPA: 6.54 | Status: PASS | Grade: A First Semester (Seat No: GFA101023 Exam Event: Apr/May-2022) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 167.82| SGPA: 6.99 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: 67.1 % |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: 93.00 | Total Earned Grade Points: 624.17 |GPA/SGPA: 6.71 |Status: PASS |CGPA: 6.71 |Final Grade: A(Very Good) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.14 M.Sc. Physics(with credits) - Regular - WEF 2021-22(No Branch)- M.Sc. Physics Second Year - Fourth Semester HELD IN APR/MAY-2023 Kohinoor Arts, Commerce and Science College,Khultabad, Khultabad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | UA | CA | Tot | | | UA | CA | Tot | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk | Code | AM |Min| Obt |Min| Obt |Max |Min| Obt |Gr | GP | EGP |Sts| Rmk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seat No: GFD401235 PRN: 2019015201094036 ELIG: E Statement No: 14711023 College Code: 169 21 Name: TASADDUQUE HUSSAIN MUSHTAQUE AHMED (M/N :JAMSHIDA BEE) PHYR-431 |PW |-- |40 |-- |-- |50 |-- |40 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYR-431 |PW |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |40 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH |-- |31 |-- |-- |80 |-- |31 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-411 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-411 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |48 |C+ | 4.99|19.96| P | E,C | PHYL-421 |PR |20 |39 |-- |-- |50 |-- |39 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-421 | |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |-- |39 |A+ | 7.99|15.98| P | E,C | PHYL-422 |PR |-- |41 |-- |-- |50 |-- |41 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYL-422 |PR |-- |-- |-- |-- |50 |20 |41 |A++| 8.99|17.98| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH |-- |36 |-- |-- |80 |-- |36 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-412 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-412 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |53 |B | 5.49|21.96| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH |-- |43 |-- |-- |80 |-- |43 |-- | --| --| P | E,C | PHYE-413 |IA |-- |-- |-- |17 |20 |-- |17 |-- | --| --| P | E,C PHYE-413 |TH+IA|-- |-- |-- |-- |100 |40 |60 |A | 6.99|27.96| P | E,C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourth SemesterTotal Credit: 18.00 | EGP: 121.82 | SGPA: 6.77 | Status: PASS | Grade: A | Exam Event: Apr/May-2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Semester (Seat No: GFC301047 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: 29.00| EGP: 180.71| SGPA: 6.23 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Second Semester (Seat No: GFB201191 Exam Event: Apr/May-2023) Total Credit: -- | EGP: -- | SGPA: -- | Status: FAIL ATKT| Grade: -- First Semester (Seat No: GFA101040 Exam Event: Oct/Nov-2022) Total Credit: 24.00| EGP: 149.76| SGPA: 6.24 | Status: PASS | Grade: A Grand Total: -- |Percentage: -- |ECA Marks: NA (Balance Marks: Nil) | Ordinance: Not Applied Total Credits Earned: -- | Total Earned Grade Points: -- |GPA/SGPA: -- |Status: FAIL |CGPA: -- |Final Grade: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/9/2023 Page No.15